Saturday, September 1, 2007

Short Poems And Friendship Quotes

Short Poems about Friendship

To me, a seeker-friend is a rich supply of spiritual energy.
When I help my friends, I am happy.
When I serve my friends, I am fulfilled.

My friends in silence remind me that I have infinitely more significant things to do here on earth
than making complaints against my enemies.

Friendship is not the greatness of our minds.
Friendship is the goodness of our hearts.

My heart will never outgrow its need for friendship.

My true friend is he who loves me for what I inwardly am
and not for what I outwardly have.

Friendship is the flower-fragrance-bounty in the oneness-heart-garden
of two self-giving seeker-souls.

Friendship means a perfection-foretaste-glimpse of Heaven.

Friendship means two completely open heart-doors
for each other to enjoy God's Fulness on earth.

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